Free Videos
(aka: “spilling my guts”)
Over almost four decades of toolsmithing, I’ve developed quite a few special methods of forging, grinding, and heat treating blades
to make them perform incredibly well. I want to share all that with the hopes it may help others improve their tool making.
I am planning to make a series of videos clearly explaining the details of these techniques, jigs, processes. These include how I
accomplish the heavy packing of the blades during forging; forging the straight knives to their fine bevel so no grinding is needed
except for their final microbevels; details of how I do all my grinding and heat treating; sources of where I purchase my steel,
grinding supplies; and lots more!
My plan is to make this my main focus once I “retire” (probably in 2026 or 2027). My intent is to get it all out there at no cost to
whoever is interested. Email me if you want to be notified when these videos are posted.
Many thanks to all my very appreciative customers over the years!
Jim Wester