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“Hello So I have been a stalker on your website for a while now. Months if not years as time flys the older I get but finally bought a few last month. The large carving knife and a few of the double edge bent knives and a bull nose chisel. I couldn't be happier with the knives. I've used all but the bull nose so far and they out work any others I've tried. By far. Light stropping is all I've done to maintain an edge but it seems to be enough. Anyway I am interested in a bowl adze. Forgot to mention the adze blade in what I've already bought but ive managed to break a few handles. Probably misuse on my part since the blade is still good. Anyway I was wondering if you plan on forging any more of the smaller adze you have listed on the site. I would love one of those and also the small draw knife. Any answers would be great. Thank you for the time and effort you put into these tools. I tried to buy from amazon but couldn't find the one I wanted on there. Just to leave a comment and help out. I will put your business name in anything I can online going forward if itll help and just as a thanks. Keep up the great work and I look forward to expanding my collection. If you ever decide to try your hand at any kind of gouge that would be worth seeing so let me know if that is anywhere on the list of tools to make. I would love to come learn about the process but 4 boys and a wife eat the time up. Thanks again and good luck with everything. ” Donald Browning Ontario, Ohio | |
“Hi Jim, I’ve just placed an order for a deep bent knife, mini version of the same and medium straight knife. I was wondering if you could also make me a 4” bushcraft knife blade only as I have put scales on a blade before and it does give me great satisfaction to do so. I already own and regularly use one of your general bent knives which is a real wood whacker! You can really go at it hard with this blade and not have to worry about damaging the edge unlike some I have used. The ‘palm up’ with thumb as leverage method of holding the knife is very intuitive and allows plenty of power yet fine control. Thanks again, kind sir. All the best,” Graeme Fraser SCOTLAND | |
“I have been using one of your adze for 17 years and it is the best adze I have ever used
just thought I would let you know I want to purchase another one very soon here are some of the bowls I make with your great adze” Jedediah Green ??? | |
“Hi Jim, I got my deep bent crooked knife from you the other day and just wanted to say thanks. It’s a terrific carving knife and works extraordinarily well on spoon carving. As a matter of fact I wish I had gotten one of these a long time ago. I’ll probably be ordering some other knives soon but in the meantime could you let me know when you have the medium bushcraft knife back in stock. All the best,” Josh Bloomgarden New York, New York | |
“Jim, I wrapped the adze,it really looks good now, will give it another go today. And yes it really close to knife finish, being so light and sharp I can really work close to my line and almost effortless. I think I could use it all day without fatigue! Today i will try it on the outside shaping,I usually shape the outside with axe and knives,I think i can skip the axe. And using my name and address,etc. is just fine. Also with hindsight....it actually worked out to my advantage to see your adze fully cut out and wrapped,and talking with you and the tips on about the dowel installation and the time to have my handle ready to go was really good! Definitely worth the wait. Funny how life works.” Mike Austad Minnesota | |
“Hi Jim, I've just ordered one of your 3/16" scorps. This will be second one, which I'm buying as a back up to the original. I've found that this tool is a wonderful device for grooving the back of heavy leather for creating a clean tight fold. I find it cuts much more easily and cleanly than the groover made by C.S. Orborne. I also own a couple of your carving knives which I love. Thank you for the wonderful tools!” Charles Stratton Seattle, Washington | |
“Hi Jim, My hope is you are well and warm. My name is Joshua Pavese and I am a fan of your knives. One of your hollowing knives got me started in carving many years ago now and it still holds its edge to this day. I am grateful for your beautiful makings. I am interested in knowing if you know or will ever make the large round scorp again. I am bowl maker and love doing it, the scorp has caught my interest and after viewing the video of the footlong shavings it gets me excited!. Anyway, I am just putting some interest out there and if you ever make them again, i would love to get one from you. head only of course. thanks kindly and well being to you and your many days. ” be well Joshua Pavese Peru, Maine | |
“I make native American style flutes. I have a full role of North Bay Forge tools.
I use the BN-3 bent tip double knife for hollowing out the flute bore halves. The medium draw knife
rounds the outside of the flutes better than any other tool I own. For any general carving the
SN-1 straight blade has no equal. I have often thought I could make a living with nothing more than
my knife role of North Bay Forge tools.” Russ Mead Kanab, Utah | |
“As a bassoonist who makes his own reeds I need a specific scraping-knife to do so. Your specially developed
scraping-knife with its outstanding steel and perfect design is the most excellent tool for this purpose. I have
recommended this knife to my students and colleagues. Now bassoonists from Berlin to Vienna are using this great tool
for reed-making.” (My Double Edge Straight Knife is the scraping knife Christoph is referring to.) Christoph Hipper AUSTRIA | |
“The ’favorite’ carving tool is the one that you automatically pick up first on any particular project.
My ’favorite’ is the North Bay tip bent knife. I have another identical knife hidden away in case something happens to
this one.” Robert M. Johnson Seattle, Washington | |
“Jim , tools look very good. Can’t wait to use them. Thank you Jim . You may be short in common sense but sure can
make a great carving tool. Will e-mail you this weekend. John” (A letter from my twin brother after I send him some mini chisels for fine furniture repair.) John Wester Piscataway, New Jersey | |
“Well, I could not resist letting you know how much I have enjoyed using your large drawknife. I bought it from
the Japan Woodworker about three years ago. I was really intrigued with the shape of the blade when I first saw it. It just made
more sense to cut with the knife like blade instead of the high angled bevel of the conventional draw. The knife is a joy to use
and is just about the only drawknife I pick up. I have collected several draw knives over the years and for the most part the blades
are wrapped and they stay in a box. Thanks for making and an incredible drawknife.” John McElroy Covington, Georgia | |
“I recently purchased 2 straight knives from you and I am very impressed. They are so superior to anything that
I have used in the past that I will recommend them to all the wood carvers that I know. I've been carving for several years and
wish I had found your knives from the beginning.
” Joseph Hebert Gueydan, Louisiana | |
“Dear Jim Writing to you from Perth, Western Australia. Just wanted to let you know that I am a very happy owner of one of your Medium Double Forged Microbevel Bushcraft Knives. Congratulations on creating such a handsome and satisfying piece of hardware. I will treasure this knife for the rest of my life - and it will then pass on to one of my boys. Thank you, again. Kind regards” Joe Kopinsky Perth, WESTERN AUSTRALIA | |
“Hi Jim I would like to order 2 paring knives from you as soon as you have 2 ready. I just bought 2 large straight knives from you for my wife & I, we really like your work. We actually use your knives for more than carving wood, they make great kitchen knives, and utility knives as well. The W-1 steel is fantastic. Thanks ” Kelly Joplin Springfield, Missouri | |
“Hi Jim Just wanted to say thank you so much for the amazing knife I received in the mail today!! As you can see it didn't take me long to finish a spoon I was making out of Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata, a native from Western Australia). I was absolutely blown away with the quality, edge, functionality and beauty of the knife. Definitely not going to be the last tool I buy from you! Kind regards from a very happy carver:-)” Tom De Ridder Broome, WESTERN AUSTRALIA | |
I made an order last week for a few bent knives, a straight knife, a gutter adze and a micro draw knife.
I can't say enough about how impressed I am with this stuff. You'll be getting the majority my tool
budget for a while. I'd like to add that the micro drawknife is amazing and I'm sure you have reasons
for discontinuing it, but every woodworker should have one of these things. Very clever design with the
bent ends to ease hand fatigue. I'll be making another order next big job I get paid for. And I'm going to do my part to spread the word about you guys. A very satisfied customer.” Shannon Brantley Brewton, Alabama | |
“Jim, I just finished a wood bowl using the large gutter adze iron that I purchased from you. I have to tell you that I was really impressed with the amount of wood that i could remove in such a short period of time! Thanks for your expertise in forging and sharpening.” Bob Ganaze Western Springs, Illinois | |
“Hi Jim, I've been seriously considering purchasing a bowl adze from you. Since I bought the small gutter adze I've really been making a lot of bowls. Although I am still learning, I think I could use an adze that removes more material a little faster. I also notice in the video that the angle is a little different. He was able to work deep inside the bowl without hitting the adze or his hand on the rim. So I have a few questions. Does the difference between the light and heavy make a huge difference? I do have small hands, but my arms do not tire that easily. Also, are these better for harder woods? or just to remove more material faster. As a beginner I just want to say that I am glad that I chose your tools first. They are incredible!!! Now that I've been using north bay forge, nothing else will suffice. I tried to use different brand's carving knife the other day, and the feeling was not the same. So....thanks Jim!” Brett E-T Hockenjos Englishtown, New Jersey | |
“Jim, I am a big fan of your work and own your first 3 small draw knives and the original 5 knives in cherry wood. Great tools! You make tools that will not only last my lifetime but my children's children's lifetime. Thanks for producing such fine tools that allow me to not worry about the tool and think about the work. Now that is the mark of a fine tool.” Charles Rogers | |
“New large bent tip arrived at 2pm,,,,by 630pm I finished 2 spoons...THANK YOU
> The only way I could be happier about my new tool,,is if I lived next to the shop,,so I wouldn't have to
wait for the mail...Your workmanship is impeccable, at this point I am saving up for the small adze..soon,,
been out of work for 2 weeks now,,,my new tool will be put to good use,,,,like grandpa always said ,,Idle
hands are the devil's tools....Thanks again,, Respectfully” Tom Warren Haskell, New Jersey | |
“Hi Jim, I wanted to ask you about shipping your tools to Germany. I bought a knife of yours at Dictum in Munich, Germany (double edge bent knife) and am absolutely thrilled with its performance. It is the best knife I own and I love making bowls with it because it leaves such a smooth surface. I went to a woodcarving workshop beginning of this year and brought the knife with me, it was the winner, everybody loved it and wanted to work with it! Just wanted to let you know that :-)” Rudy Everts Munich, Germany | |
“Hi Jim, Your tools are without question one of a kind. They combine funcionnality and beauty with such effortlessness, they become artworks themselves. I still remember the day I got my first Bent Knife. It was like Christmas! Still use it for every project. A few months ago I ordered some adze irons because I wanted to start carving a mask. Below my attempt to build a handle for one of them. (using of course my beloved bent knife) It works well but a few weeks ago I ordered a small straight adze and a large gutter adze. And I must say: They are a revelation! I need to play with the angle on my own handles I guess.”
“Hi Jim,
| |
“Jim, Thanks so much for my latest order, the mini bent tip knife and the small adze blade with copper. I haven't used them yet, but I did start making a handle to fit the blade of some quarter sawn white oak I had on hand. You are truly full service - excellent tools, free shipping and great instructions with plans to help the do-it-yourselfer! I'll be ordering more as I can. Would that every toolmaker was on par with your skills and class!” Michael Minto Yorktown, VA | |
“Hi Jim, I received my knives a few days ago. They are spectacular! I've always wanted to try carving but was never sure where I wanted to start. Recently, I became very interested in bent knives. Before I found you, I had ordered a couple of hooked knives (of sorts) from another vendor, which have now been returned. I can't believe how sharp and versatile your knives are, not to mention beautiful! I have small hands, one with an arthritic thumb, but these minis are very easy for me to use. I'm finally going to learn to carve with these. Thanks a lot for your wonderful work. I'm sure I'll be purchasing again soon. I am finding that simply carving is showing me what the knives can do. Using different parts of the blade, and/or skewing the movement produces all kinds of different results! I've got a ton of cherry from a backyard tree that someone gave me for firewood. I've split off a few blocks from enormous sections of trunk and have been working on those. With every stroke, another interesting bit of grain pops out.” Barbara Fletcher Duanesburg, New York | |
“Jim, I've been using the North Bay Forge bent knife I bought from you recently. This is a great knife/tool. The more I use it, the better I like it. I found out about North Bay Forge after reading a Tactical Knives article about carving simple utensils, such as spoons, with simple hand tools, such as your everyday carry knife. In order to "dig" or "hollow" spoons out, the author indicated you needed a bent knife. The author suggested the bent knives you make and I decided to order one. I have been carving spoons etc. ever since. I built a ffire in the back yard this evening and was working on a spoon. Had the pet Malamute, Chika, for company. This type of carving has to add years to your life. THANKS!” Bruce Cartwright Quantico, Virginia | |
“Hi Jim, I received my second order today. And I certainly am pleased to receive more of your knives. The scorp is quite nice, my first one ever. And the two other knives are of course superb! I am working on a spoon made of purpleheart & yellowheart both of which are some hard tropical hardwoods. Your knives have no trouble cutting through these woods. They are a joy to use. Next month is our 40th annual Santa Clara County Woodcarver's Show. I am looking forward to telling everyone I meet there about your knives. And yes I did make my adze handle out of a flat piece of wood Eastern Cherry. A piece I found in a dumpster at a local cabinet shop! It's a shame what people throw away. Thanks again for the super knives. ” Greg Smart San Jose, California | |
“I cannot tell you how pleased I am to find your site. I have most of your
carving tools save for the two smallest scorps which I wish to order now.
These I couldn't get any longer from Japan Woodworker. I did get their last
V-gouge, however! Your tools are beyond anything I ever expected to find. Careful as I may be, they will still give me a "love bite" periodically if I am not careful. But what a pleasure these tools are to use. They are practically effortless to use. They glide through wood like no other tools I know. When I could no longer get your small scorps, I ordered some Beebe scorps. They are good, but not in the same class with what you make. I never knew how to thank you for making these tools, because I did not know how to get in touch with you. I use all 15 of my North Bay Forge tools on various projects, but I particularly love to carve spoons. Long after you and I are both gone these tools will still be the gold standard by which others can only be measured as lesser items.” Paul Schobernd Normal, Illinois | |
“I happened across your site almost accidentally and am glad I did as I love all your knives (the 4 that I own anyway).
You probably don't remember me but you may remember making me a custom hooked knife. You took a standard straight knife
and then ground it concave into a hook or talon shape. I find the hook shape indispensable and essential. That knife is one
of my very favorites and I doubt that I have done a carving without using it... and I have done a bunch of carvings since then. I have always thought that if the world ended and I could only take a handful of tools with me, it would include two of your knives.” Michael Keller Chelan, Washington | |
“As the proud owner of four of your tools I would like to thank you for
putting them out there. I just discovered your great web site and
love it. I purchased your tools from WoodCraft in Seattle and have
always wondered about the nature of North Bay Forge and wished that I
could pass on my thanks in person. God, as a sculptor and carver I
love sharp edges and appreciate what it takes to get the nature of the
metal to that point.” Tom Mautino Lynden, Washington | |
“Thanks, Jim, for the prompt response. Glad to hear everything is in stock. Hope I didn't bug you too much with all
the questions before finally placing the order. I've got to tell you that while I was searching around for the right tools to start
up my new shop, I was mightily impressed by your tools and your website in general. Once I sent off a couple of questions to you
and received such quick and thorough responses, I knew I had finally found what I was looking for! I'm really excited about putting
them to use once they arrive...
” Blair Spaulding Nevada City, California | |
“Just got my adze the other day & finally had a chance to try it out. I used a chunk of really dry, quarter-sawn
white oak & it worked wonderfully! I am pleased with how easy it is to control along with the ability to take both big chunks & thin
shavings. It is exactly what I wanted for making Windsor chairs. Thanks again for your great work.
” Bruce Dorn Portland, Oregon | |
“Bonjour Jim Tes outils sont une merveilleuse dcouverte, merci au talentueux forgeron ! La rsistance du tranchant par rapport la finesse de la lame est exceptionnelle. L'herminette avec son biseau extrieur (non conventionnel pour un europen) est d'une redoutable efficacit, le bois des Alpes ne peut plus s'en passer! Voici une nouvelle commande. Je paie 157$ par la poste. OK? Meilleures salutations Claude Veuillet SWITZERLAND” Translation: “Hello Jim Your tools are marvellous discovered, thank you with the talented blacksmith! The resistance of the edge compared to the smoothness of the blade is exceptional. The adze with its external bevel (nonconventional for an European) is of a frightening effectiveness, the wood of the Alps cannot occur some more! Here a new order. I pay 157$ by the post office. OK? Better greetings, Claude Veuillet SWITZERLAND” | |
“Jim, I just got my bent knife in the mail - faster than expected - and I was floored at how beautifully made it is. I've spent a little time at the forge myself and I know how hard it is to make something this perfect. You made it look effortless. I look forward to using it. I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those special tools, like the favorite ones that I keep coming back to, the ones that fall home in my hand. Blessed be the toolmakers.” Philip S Plumbo Maplewood, Minnesota | |
“Dear Jim: A couple of months ago, I purchased a chef's knife from you. My husband put it back for my birthday and today is the day! I had only seen the knife pictured on your website. It was beautiful there, but SO much more beautiful in person. I love the hand-forged marks and blueing on the blade, the smooth handle and the knowledge that a true craftsman made this knife. So far I have made one cut with it - a slice of my homemade sourdough bread. A good start, I think. I cant wait to try it on meat etc. and running a cautious finger along the razor sharp edge is irresistable. One of your paring knives is next on my list of must-haves. Thank you very much.” Chris Hanner Snellville, Georgia | |
“Hi Jim, During the last year your knives turned out to be my favorites. For detailed carving the 4 bent knives and the SN 2 are the ones I normally choose. Especially because they are easily sharpend and work precisely with a clear cut. But I do miss a smaller straight knife. At the moment I am working with a self-made knife I bought from a professional carver. But it doesn't get sharp anymore. I did try everything. And I get crazy on that....! I would like to order your small straight knife SND and to get the shipping with it the mBN-1 and mBN- 3 as well.” Dagmar Winzer GERMANY | |
“Jim, Attached are photos of the wood that I have been carving with your tools and photos of the kids in the gym where I teach. The lessons that are the foundation of good teaching are inherent in your tools. Create a good tool so that the task can be met in the most efficient way. For twelve years I have used your micro drawknives straight, curved and v shaped on every carving project. Each time I reach for one of your tools I have the pleasure of remembering all those years of good experience. As a coach I am working to accomplish the same goals for my students. Their bodies and minds bring them pleasure each time they put them to a task and each success becomes another good feeling. For twenty-four years we have maintained sliding scale tuition so that kids of all different backgrounds can learn to give their full attention to the task they have committed themselves to. With your tools I make the same pleasurable commitment. I spend many long hours carving knowing that this consistent good experience will be evident in the tree carving, in my character and in my relationships with my students. I hope that the photos of the trees, the children and this writing convey to you my appreciation for your good work.” Rudy Van Daele New York, New York | |
“Dear Jim, My carvings are utensils (forks, spoons) and one or two foot long sculptures. I have a small selection of tools for use without a mallet: jackknives, hand gouges and chisels, chip carving tools, your large bent knives (tip and deep: I need to get a "general"), and your small bent knives (tip and shallow). The small tip bent knife has, for the work I do, made every other tool into a special-purpose item, because I have that one in my hand 99% of the time. I may put it down to pick up a V-gouge or a veiner, but a few cuts later it's back in my hands. It's not only the shape of the blade that proves so useful, but the fact that the blade is short; I'm left-handed, yet my right thumb is used as a pusher or pivot on essentially every cut, and the blade gets that right thumb tip close to the cut, yet safely against the wooden handle. As it has two edges with the same sweep, I can remove material where the plane of the cut is tangent to the grain by releasing first one side of the chip and then the other. There are more good features of the Mini Tip Bent Knife, too, but explaining them would require a small essay. Thanks for the fine tools, ” Eben Oldmixon Hyde Park, New York | |
“Jim, I've been using my new double forge straight knife extensively the last 2 nights on a small carving in apple wood. I want to say again how wonderful the knife is. The edge seems unbeatable and I can hold the blade as if I'm holding a pencil for really detailed work--man, I love it.” Carey Bagdassarian Williamsburg, Virginia | |
“Hi Jim, I just received the general bent knife and the straight knife and at the first bit of free time I tried them out on a couple of spoons I was making. Wow! I am impressed with them! I am a builder by trade so I use tools for a living. What a joy to shape wood with such elegantly crafted, perfectly sharp gems! I hesitated on buying them for a few years partly because I try to be sensible about tool purchases-so easy to go overboard! But I finally came up with a reasonable excuse to buy them-so glad I did!! I am a little worried about the sharpening, but your enclosed advice "be patient with yourself" really struck a cord with me. Thanks for including it. I will learn how to maintain a keen edge. Thanks so much,” William S Washbourne Tulsa, Oklahoma | |
“Jim - I took a class with Rip Mann in June - LOVED IT! I did purchase your adz, and love it dearly.I bought the lighter one but now want a heavier one. I am working on my third bowl since the June 24 class and all of my friends and family want one - it is great fun to be so creative! I do love your product, it's amazing!!! Thanks so much,” Crystal Earley Greensboro, North Carolina | |
“Hi, I have 2 of your knives..the double edged ones and find I'm using them more than any other knife that I have. I've looked at your pages on sharpening etc and was pleased to noted I seem to have followed your ideas. I'll be ordering one or two more knives - when my wife gets over my recent purchase but meantime I'd like to sign up for newsletters. Many thanks” Tom Millar NEW ZEALAND | |
“Jim, I'm building a square-hewn log cabin up in Michigan' U.P. right now. It's a style that goes way way back up here where the logs are scribed and mated together along their entire length with no chinking. The general bent knife I've got has proven to be an excellent fine-detail follow up to the axe for cutting the lateral groove where the logs mate together. After running a several thousand feet of wood through the blade, I've decided it's an incredible tool. Thank you!” Phil Taylor Copper Harbor, Michigan | |
“Jim, I was very happy to come across your webpage because for years I've been wanting to tell you how much I appreciate the quality of your knives. I purchased several of your knives from Hardwicks in Seattle, my favorite tool store, some years ago. I've been woodcarving professionally for 25 years primarily carving the decorative carvings for pipe organs and made thousands of stop cuts with your knives. Not once has the tip ever broken or the blade come loose from the handle. I actually don't have to sharpen that often. The blades stay extremely sharp. I've never experienced such quality in a knife.” Jude Fritts Olympia, Washington | |
“Jim, I recently got my order from you and last night used the large draw knife to remove the sap wood off a 9' yellow cedar log. That draw knife is the BEST hand tool for wood that I have ever used!!! Thanks!” Dave Moore Sitka, Alaska | |
“Hi Jim, Well my first project with your knives isn't finished yet but i thought i'd make these photographs for you now. The wood is spalted maple burl. Some parts are even a little more than spalted, which, combined with the burl grain makes carving difficult and delicate. I doubt I could have done it without your knives. Best Regards,” Roger Newton New York, NY | |
“Hello, Jim, I just spent an absolutely wonderful hour using the latest North Bay Forge tool to join my collection- your mini draw knife. This tool- like the other North Bay carving tools I own - is truly a joy to use. It fits perfectly in my hand, it is sharper than I can believe, and seems to be able to read my mind and cut just exactly what I'm trying to cut- no more, and no less. Since this is the first time I've ever used a draw knife, I certainly can't attribute this amazing tendency to my own skill; the tool gets all the credit. Many, many, many thanks for building such fantastic hand tools. In this age of cheap, imported trash, it is particularly gratifying to be able to show off a project and say "yep, I made it myself- using the finest hand-made tools on the planet". Please keep up the good work- you are indeed a credit to your craft, and your tools are making it possible for countless people to produce their very best carvings. With Thanks and Deep Admiration,” Paul Thomas Seattle, Washington | |
“Aloha Jim, I bought a few of your knives maybe 15 years ago and I love them; they're still so beautiful! I'm suggesting to printmaking classmates that we buy one or two as an end-of-semester present for our teacher, as tools for making woodcut prints, and I looked through your website, trying to find the "Mini V Scorp" which is so nice for that. I didn't see it, though. Do you still make them? Were there other mini scorps too? I'm so glad to see that you're still making tools and the business seems to be doing well. All the best,” David Strauch Honolulu, Hawaii | |
“Hi Jim: Just to let you know I will be teaching a Seminar at Lee Valley Tools in Feb. and have just put in an order for 6 or you gen. bent knives; they are still the best around and I look forward to sharing them with others; I have found a couple of good straight knives in their catalogue that will do for beginners and if they want more heavy duty ones later, they will see yours that i still have and can order them from you direct. Hope you are having a pleasant holiday time and that the coming year is a good one for you.” Loretta Joseph British Columbia, CANADA | |
“Jim, It was lovely to spend some time with you and your pups, see your space and what you've been working on. All very exciting. I have used my new knife to prepare dinner for the past couple of nights and it is amazing to work with! You were right about the weight, that combined with the sharpness cut my prep time more than in half! Plus, it's nice to cut through beets as if they were butter. Thanks for the care tips, too. I've been oiling it after I wash it, kind of like a cast iron pan minus the heat dry. I absolutely love it!” Lee Maida Brooklyn, New York | |
“Jim, Hi hope you are well these days. I bought a straight (curved edge) knife, a chip knife, a double edged curved knife, and a bowl adze from you about four years back and let me tell you they are wonderful working tools. By far the best carving knives I've ever used. I noticed that on your website you used to make large single edged curved knives but have discontinued making them. Was wondering if you had any plans to make any ever again? Thank you for your time and your knives. Respectfully,” Paul M. Avery Jasper, Georgia | |
“Thank you Jim for providing such fantastic tools! I am the very happy owner of 4 North Bay Forge carving knives and a round scorp. When a recent project involved the hollowing of the ends of some large logs, I knew that your new large scorp blade was the perfect solution. I called you on Tuesday and begun carving the handle, the blade arrived Friday morning and I bolted it on and went to work. Again, the service that you have provided and the pleasure that I've gotten from using your tools is unsurpassed. Thank you,” Paul Linden Sculptor, woodworker, and instructor Minneapolis, Minnesota. | |
“Jim, I would like to order one large 2 inch scorp from you. I see you do not have any in stock so could you please let me know when they do come on line. I have been trying out one bought some months ago by my brother-in-law and it is very effective in removing wood. He entrusted me with the tool and I fitted it to an old pick handle to hollow out a recently fallen acacia log. As you would know this is a medium to high density Australian hardwood. This particular tree had developed both a lean over the years as well as a growing pipe in its centre caused by grubs and fungal infection. The scorp handles the green wood very effectively and cleanly. It's also quite hard work with a long handle sometimes leading to grazed knuckles and a stiff back. I have also used your bowl adze on some of this timber. I'm no artisan but this tool is a real joy to use. You clearly know your steel as the edges on both tools remain clean and strong and require only a brief honing at the end of the day. All the best,” Warren Hoey Queensland, AUSTRALIA | |
“Hello Mr. Wester, In November I bought one of your carving knives for my boyfriend and he absolutely loves it and is interested in broadening his carving inventory. I saw on your site that you have been working on creating a line of gouges and was wondering when you think these will be available for sale and if you could tell me when they do because I am extremely interested in purchasing one. Also, congratulations on developing such unique and well made tools, its inspiring to see that kind of work when it seems that so many products on the market are imported from China. Take care,” Kat Zacharewski Ontario, CANADA | |
“Hi Jim, Thanks for the great quality knives...I'm amazed how sharp they are. I am very impressed. They arrived very quickly! I hope to buy an adze as soon as I can. Kind regards,” Ray Sambajon Wadestown, NEW ZEALAND | |
“Jim, Received the knife today. "Oh so that's what a knife is supposed to feel like and cut like" basically sums up my reaction. Love your stuff. Hope to buy more soon. Best Regards,” Paul Brazdzionis Glastonbury, Connecticut | |
“Jim, I received my order of the bent knife and adze head last week and all I can say is WOW!!! You make astonishingly good tools. Just amazing. I just placed an order for more. You've got a customer for a long time. Please sign me up for your newsletter too. Thanks,” Bob Cauthorn San Francisco, California | |
“Hi Jim, I received my Bent Knife and Scorp. They are absolutely awesome! They out do all of my Swiss chisels. Thanks so much for making such awesome tools. It means that working can always be enjoyable! I spent about 5 hours carving last night. My forearm is locked tight but my bowl is looking beautiful. If it turns out ok, I'll send you a picture. I used the Bent knife on about 5 different projects I'm working on and it has an amazing versatility. You can approach the work from every angle and it is so sharp it even slices across the grain without the wood even noticing. Thanks again Jim, I'll be ordering a draw knife and a straight knife as soon as I have saved the money. Cheers,” Jerome Moscicki Victoria, AUSTRALIA | |
“Hi Jim, Your previous shipment was excellent; beautiful craftsmanship, superb tools. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning to use the carving knives. Wickedly sharp yet strong - makes playing with Australian hardwoods a breeze. Especially as I work with raw timber, the double sided blades make changing cut direction & styles a fluid and enjoyable past time. To be perfectly honest I'm not 100% sure of the timber I used for the adze. It was a victim of the cyclone on my property. It is a (very) hardwood and I'm pretty sure a native. Beautiful mix of colours though, it's made some interesting bowls too. Carving deep against/into the grain is hard work (it will take chunks out of the edge of my lesser knives - yours however have stood up incredibly well - just need stropping a bit more regularly and they're ready to go). Working with the grain your bent knives (and the adze) will produce an almost mirror bright cut surface. ... hard work though, think I'm starting off the hard way, rather than the apparently popular basswood used in your part of the world! Cheers,” Kevin Blake Queensland, AUSTRALIA | |
“Jim, Received 3 knifes I ordered to return to carving after 7 years away still very much a novice...extremely happy with the quality of your product! I like supporting the independent craftsman/artist when I can and you did not disappoint. Thank you for the fine quality product you deliver...obviously you truly enjoy your craft. Regards,” Kevin Mulcrone North Wales, Pennsylvania | |
“Hi Jim, As soon as my mini General Bent Knife showed up I could not wait to give it a try. It is a superbly made tool that gives full control to the user, it holds an edge very well (we are talking here a tough kind of hardwood) and easy to hone. Thanks,” Eldad Zakowits Tel Aviv, ISRAEL | |
Thanks for a first rate knife blade Jim! I found a shed from a big
buck on my property and made the handle. I have a few nice knives
but this is now my favorite. Thanks again.” Kerry Woodland Ontario, CANADA | |
“Hi Jim - I bought a small forged bevel survival knife from you 2 months ago. It ended up as my carry knife because it holds an edge so well. I use it for ranch work and in the gun shop. I have been using a 600 grit diamond and ceramic rod to sharpen. Good results but am having to learn to maintain bevel better. I have a hard felt wheel that I use to polish guns for blueing, would that be suitable to rebuild the bevel? I usually have 400 grit on this wheel. Any suggestions on building the proper bevel and edge maintenance would be appreciated. Thanks for you time - ” Clay Brown Omak, Washington | |
“Thanks, Jim. We like to support people like you that have businesses that are small. You have an excellent reputation. I wanted a knife that he would not have to "work on" before he could use it. Matt is a very skilled and talented young man and deserves a quality piece of workmanship. Its nice to have a personal reply and I hope will you have continued success in your business. We will continue to support you as we figure out what our needs are. Thanks, ” Danalee Cook Marshall, North Carolina | |
“Hello !! Today I have duly received ordered knives in safe. I am verry much thanks for your kind dealing. I'm realy love these beautifull knives.” Michio Nakano Saitama, JAPAN | |
“Dear Jim! My name is David Seidel, I am the solo bassoon player of the vienna radio symphony orchestra. I am also a very close friend of Christoph Hipper, so I am using your double edge knive since almost 14years to scrape my bassoonreeds! But I am also selling them to all my students and colleagues also for oboe! Until now I always got them from christoph but we have seen that you offer now free shipping and that you have the website order service. Only that our fantastic basson knive is temporarily out of stock. How many do I have to order that you make new one, are 7 enough? Thanks for letting me know if this is possible and how long it would take! Greetings from Vienna! Your happy knife user” David Seidel Vienna, AUSTRIA | |
“Mr. Wester, Wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your sight a lot and learned a good deal from it. I'm just starting out at carving, but I understand well made cutting tools and was impressed with your methods. Haven't seen anything like that in a lot of years. Would like to know if you ever continue your scorps again too as I am interested in them also. Hope to continue to do business with you. Thank you.” Bill Womack Onley, Virginia | |
“ Hi Mr Wester The Adze arrived today and my compliments on your workmanship! I have used it just a bit and have to say it's like having a beaver on a stick!! The look of the wood afterwards is exactly what I envisioned- thank you sir!” Richard Washburn Itasca, Texas | |
“Jim: Many months ago I bought a medium sized straight knife from you. Man I'm telling you I have really enjoyed using that knife. It gets sharp and it stays sharp! I love the shape of the blade and it just seems like my hand really knows and trusts the knife. I know this is a stretch, but if you made a simple pocket knife, I would probably want to own one. Thank you for the wonderful carving knife.” Tom Bozarth Taft, California | |
“Hi Jim, So sorry for the delayed response, I snuck away to hunt for a few days and my inbox was overflowing upon my return, now the chase begins. I was tickled pink to see a message from you, a man of your word you are. Most promise to get back to you and never do. I've put many miles on that little draw knife you made, its the best tool on my bench by far. I succumbed to purchasing a fine set of chisels from England just to keep myself working and I gotta say your steel holds an edge and glides like nothing else I own and the English chisels don't hold a candle to the quality of your steel. I'd be very interested in a larger model, let's say a 4" blade or so but keeping the design similar the micro knife I currently own. Let me know what I'd be looking at for such a tool and we'll go from there, if its anything like the last blade I bought from you it will pay for itself after the first time I use it. It was very nice to hear from you. Cheers, ” Andrew Kitney Gunmaker Ontario, CANADA | |
“Hello Jim, I own a handful of Japanese kitchen knives and other tools with blue steel, white steel, and VG-10 cutting edges, but nothing compares to the toughness and durability of your drawknife that I've used in my shop. I'm hoping to have a kitchen knife that lives up to that drawknife, with the size and shape that fits the way I work in the kitchen. Best Regards,” Tod Babick Grand Rapids, Michigan | |
“Hello Jim, I ordered an adze from you about 4 or 5 months back, and I just wanted to say Thanks. I'm just learning to carve and I'm trying to get my knives and other things gathered up and on a limited budget that can be hard. I wanted to let you know that the adzes I got works like a dream, a friend of mine who is a weaver and has been carving a lot longer than me started using it and know he's saying he wants one, we also wondered if you make a D adzes?. Well I've chewed enough ear, so again Thanks, and I WILL be placing another order with you soon, need a good straight / general carver blade now. Have a good one. Sincerely ” Paul Flores Skokomish, Washington | |
“Good day Sir, I just received the carving knife today. I like very much. I have one of your knives which I have used for 5 or 6 years now. This new knife has several small but noticeable refinements which indicate to me you have made a nice progression in your craft! My older North Bay has long been my favorite and I am sure this new one will take it's place right beside it. I am going to be ordering one of your Bushcraft knives (small - blade only) and a matching sheath before long. Do you have a wait time on this item? Thanks for your fine craftsmanship. ” Daniel Kennedy Thomasville, North Carolina | |
“Jim, I just finished the handle for my small bushcraft knife - see image. We have stabilizing tanks here so I used a nice piece of stabilized fiddleback maple. We use three of your knives (2 drawknives and a small carving knife) daily in the production of our products. A lot of people don't really understand the meaning of sharp until they see those edges in action! Just love your work! - Oh, also give my best regards to Julia McCormack for the wonderful work on the sheath! Best Wishes,” James B. Goedkoop Kingfisher WoodWorks Wilder, Vermont | |
“Hi Jim, I'm just e-mailing to say that the bent knives arrived yesterday, and I'm very impressed with them. I knew they were versatile but until I tried them I had no idea how effective they could be. It's nice to have tools that perform as well as they look! Many thanks,” Will Balmont Sydney, AUSTRALIA | |
“Jim, I am blown away by your tools, and have been using the micro drawknife for two days straight now on the shaving horse I am making. I am borrowing the drawknife from Kenneth, a master woodworker in his own right, and just ordered one for myself yesterday. I also ordered a small straight knife just after Christmas, and a small crooked knife. I had left the top off of the crooked knife, and had never even had a chance to use it when I reached in my woodworking cabinet to get something and sliced my hand open at the knuckle! It was a two-stitcher, as they say, and if you ever need anyone to testify to the sharpness of your tools, I can certainly do that. I wanted to talk to you about the possibility of getting one of your adzes with something like a 5-7 sweep instead of flat. Would that be something you could do? I have a nice yew limb that I can use for the handle, but am trying to save a little money by finishing some of my tools myself. I have set up a list of tools here recently that I feel I will need when I get back home to Ga and start building furniture and carving bowls, and I would love to send you the list to see if there is anything you feel like you would be interested in making as opposed to be ordering from someone else. Let me know if you would be interested in the list. Best,” Nathaniel Chambers Damariscotta, Maine | |
“Jim, The blades were a big hit with the canoe carvers on Yap. Here is what they said: "The blade are by far the best quality the guys here have ever seen. If they can only be widened to about 3-4 inches and increase the height by an inch will be awesome." Thanks,” Larry Raigetal Yap, MICRONESIA | |
“Hi Jim, Got the knife today---it's a real beauty, excellent workmanship, and wicked sharp! It feels good in my hand and has a lot of heft for such a compact package. I am going to start saving for the next size up and work on a leather sheath design so I can get it on my belt. Best Regards,” Chris Kelly Damascus, Oregon | |
“Oh my, Jim, I can't believe I failed to write to let you know that I had gotten the knives, and that they're everything I had hoped! I sent one of them to my friend and colleague, Benedict, and he was just blown away. They're physically quite beautiful, of course, but mainly they do exactly--I mean exactly--what they're supposed to do, and just way more efficiently than the knives I was using. I think you can count on me bugging you again next November (when you are next available for custom work) for more of the same, and to discuss another knife idea I have slowly forming in my mind. Thank you very much for your beautiful work; it's a real pleasure having a tool like this. Very best,” Michael O'Donovan Los Angeles, California | |
“Dear Jim, I recently ordered a draw knife from you. It is an amazing tool! I've been an instrument maker for many years, and this is one of the finest tools I've ever used. Best,” Stuart Lipkowitz Albuquerque, New Mexico | |
“Hi Jim, Just wondering when the small gutter adze will be in stock again? I've put your large gutter adze head to good use down here in New Zealand, though I'm just a bloody Yank. I lived in Bellingham from the late 80s until 2001 and went paddling all over the San Juans and Gulf Islands and points north (Broughton Strait, Broken Islands, Rivers Inlet, etc., all those heart-breakingly beautiful places). Vic Cano, a great maskcarver, was a good friend. I miss the place, from Blanchard north. South of there can go fry in fish oil for all I care. Your tools are bleedin' awesome. As soon as the small adze is in stock, I'll place an order for it, the small straight adze, and the blade and sheath for your small bushknife, and perhaps another bent knife. I get so nostalgic for my old home paddling grounds that I kept the portion of the box with the Waldron Isle postmark on it, from my last order. Really pathetic huh? Cheers from Down Under mate! You're welcome to look me up if ever you take a trip down here. Be pleased to meet you.” Max South Island, NEW ZEALAND | |
“Hi Jim, I had to put down a very old horse the other day, and as always I harvested her hide and two front legs for rawhide and bone tools before I buried her. I used my husband's small bush knife, which he keeps very sharp, to do all the skinning and then to separate the lower legs by dis-articulating the knee joints (a lot of tendon cutting and a bit of brute force is involved). I wanted to let you know that the knife performed beautifully! It stayed super sharp throughout the skinning, and pretty much right up until halfway through the second knee joint, which had to be finished with brute force. I was impressed! Really good knives! ” Julia MacCormack Rathdrum, Idaho | |
“Hi Jim, I just want you to know I have many of your knives and have put them ALL to good use. They are a pleasure to use. Keep up the good work.” Mark Klein Iowa Falls, Iowa | |
“Jim, I received the mini and regular deep bent knives you sent me. The handles on knives were very comfortable, and the blades worked exactly as advertised. I just wanted to let you know that they are top notch and I absolutely will order from you again in the future.” Garret Eliason Fairbanks, Alaska | |
“Jim, I have two of your bent knives and are very fond of them. I originally bought them for a spoon/scoop I was working on, that my hook knives were struggling with, and now your knives are pretty much my primary spoon/bowl carvers. I have recommended them a lot. They are just so versatile, and have me trying all sorts of new designs and projects. Please keep making stuff, your work and craftsmanship are excellent!” Nathan White Minneapolis, Minnesota |